Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Black American Dad

You hear about black fathers leaving their children or being a "dead-beat" all the time. It's damn near a cliche'. It's not even sad anymore, it's expected. Some men stick around for a while, put up a good fight before saying fuck it and just give up. Others walk away before the baby is even born and never look back. I'm not taking jabs or looking down on anybody. I've done some things I ain't proud of myself, so I'm in no position to judge. I just know this shit from experience. Most people may get self righteous, and judgmental but I've come to terms with this issue and it's not the child's responsibility, nor the mother's responsibility to punish a father for not being around. As a man he's going to do what he wants. I personally no longer hold my father accountable for not being around. I understand that life gets the best of people sometimes. His wrong-doings are in the past and whatever he has done or whatever reason he wasn't around is something that will be taken up with him and God. I've only expressed how how his actions and decisions, made me feel and that I'm willing to look past it and just move forward.I'm sure people may not agree with this. And that's fine. But I do feel like the longer you hold on to the pain and resentment, the more it will continue to eat away at you. So stop feeling sorry for yourself that your father wasn't there because it could be worse. He could be some kind of sadistic pedophile that raped you continually throughout your childhood. Yeah, I thought that might make you feel better...

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